Tuesday, April 20, 2010

40. Whattaya know.

What half drunk, whiny-ass attention whore wrote that post yesterday?

It couldn't have been me as I am perfect in every way.

So, as it turns out 40 doesn't feel any different than 39. Not a bit. I still have bags under my eyes and a disturbing amount of gray in my hair. I still love and am loved by my wonderful family and friends. I still play with yarn and dig in the dirt every chance I get. A fat, furry little black and white kitten and his fat old tabby striped sister both still purred for me this morning. A man I adore whispered that he loved me using the endearing nickname he gave me 11 years ago. I still miss my boy. I still find peace in the sound of the birds singing on a spring morning. I'm still neurotic with a dash of OCD. I'm still shy but experienced enough to hide it well. I still find Peter Boyle's song and dance number in Young Frankenstein fall-off-the-couch funny, even though My Beloved doesn't get it. I still wish I didn't have a busted uterus. I still secretly think that if someone important heard me singing in the shower or in my car I'd get a recording contract like that. I still like pancakes on Sunday morning. Orange and red autumn leaves still take my breath away. I still eat chocolate chips when I've run out of proper chocolate. And speaking of chocolate, sometimes I still have dessert after breakfast.

I'm not a girl anymore. The 30s beat that out of me. Soundly.

But I'm still here.

And so yeah, 40's not so bad. Not at all.


Illanare said...

Happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm chocolate chips. Mmmmmm.

Terynn said...

Happy Birthday! My 30's sucked, too, though for different reasons and my 40's were much better. In almost every way.

A toast to the best decade of life you've known,

Denise said...

Happy Birthday!

loribeth said...

Happy birthday!!

kate said...

Happy Birthday! Just remember, you look 5 years old. ;)

Polka Dot said...

I'm sorry I missed your birthday! So happy belated!

And congratulations on surviving your 30s. We're all richer for it.

Unknown said...

Belated birthday wishes... hope the 40's bring magic & love in ways you never dreamed of!