Sunday, December 23, 2007

I should have figured this out long ago...

You know what's interesting? After four years, five losses and secondary infertility thrown in for good measure, I needed a therapist to help me realize that not only is it okay for me to be uncomfortable doing baby-related things sometimes, it's okay for me to remove myself from whatever uncomfortable situation I'm in to preserve my sanity.

Holy crap. Why did it take so long? Why did it take this long for me to figure out that it's okay not to be comfortable all the time and it's okay to protect myself when I'm not - that I don't always have to protect everyone else's feelings at the expense of my own?

This woman is definitely earning her money. Definitely.


Chris, Renae & Annie said...

Glad you are getting it figured out. The best advice a friend gave me recently (during our on-going infertility struggles) was to Always take care of myself first. And if that means not holding someone's new baby or walking away from a sucky conversation then do it.

About the Christmas letter - the only thing worse than the constant chattiness about their children is the sideswiping announcement about how they are now once again pregnant.

Kim said...

Merry Christmas, sweet Kristin. I hope this is a peaceful few days for you and that this next year brings all kind of surprises and joy.

delphi said...

I hope that you find yourself able to step away whenever you need to. It is hard to do that. Sometimes I stand there, nearly faint with the pain and emotion that a situation is bringing to me, yet unable to do anything.

Do it. Step away. An injury doesn't heal when you keep picking at the scab.

Lots of love.

Julia said...

Yes, it is definitely ok. Please take care of yourself. And I wish you that the people around you will be understanding when you need to do that (I am currently having a problem with this last part in my family).

meg said...

It's o.k. for you to do whatever you need to do, to get through it and survive. I'm glad the therapy is helping. I have found it has made a tremendous difference. And I now never do things out of obligation. I just don't do them.