Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Well isn't this just kick you in the crotch, spit on your neck fantastic?

CHICAGO (Reuters) - People who are often stressed out or depressed are far more likely to develop memory problems than those with sunnier dispositions, U.S. researchers said on Monday in a finding that sheds light on early predictors of Alzheimer's disease.

Well let me just add that to my list of things to work on: be sunnier.



niobe said...

This might bother me, except that I'm sure that in a few minutes I'll forget all about it. Memory problems can be a good thing. ; )

Anonymous said...

LOL to what Niobe said. I was going to say that if you figure out how to be "sunnier", let me know. I don't think I could pull of sunny if I tried.

Julia said...

Sunny is not in the cards this week. Maybe later. If you figure out the recipe, let me know, cause a commenter told me I have attitude problems... And now there is research to back up the trolls. Love it.

kate said...

Personally i think that people who are bitter and angry live longer. Witness...uh...my mother's whole side of the family...

Lori said...

The word "sunnier" is cracking me up! I'm not sure what a sunny disposition looks like exactly, but to me it sounds deranged.

Angela said...


Give me a break.