Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A funny thing happened on the way to the clinic...

Yesterday I discovered that my secret is even bigger than I imagined. Twice as big, actually.

I'm pregnant. With twins.


It was an unmedicated, unmonitored cycle that presented itself as completely non-pregnant cycle. My temperature dropped and what appeared to be my period arrived at the end of it. With its arrival came the consumption of Hard Lemonade (remember that post?) and beer with the neighbours. What followed was a period of two and a half weeks of shockingly reckless behavior for someone pregnant with twins. I cleaned out the basement (remember that post?), put up rabbit fencing in the blazing heat, popped blood pressure medication I shouldn't have, had aspirin and Robitussin when I came down with a cold and went for a 5K walk that wore me out beyond belief.

I just had no idea.

When I had some strange midcycle spotting (which I was convinced was cancer-related) I took an HPT because I knew the doctor would ask me if I had done so when I went to see her about the cancer.

To my shock, up popped two very dark lines. Immediately.

And thus began the roller coaster (which, to be honest, is still making me pretty friggin' dizzy).

It's probably early to be announcing this secret because the sacs are still so tiny (common in twin pregnancies) that they can't actually see anyone inside yet, but my reasoning is that we've already made the most agonizingly difficult announcement we ever hope to have to make. If something goes wrong with these little tigers in the next few days or weeks, we'll be okay. We can make that announcement too.

But in the meantime, I can tell the world that they're here. That they exist, for however long. I want to celebrate the fact that by some miracle I was able to get pregnant again after two years of trying, and that the gods saw fit to bless us with twins.

I also want the world to know that I'm utterly head over heels in love with them. It's completely reckless and something I'd hoped to avoid, but I simply can't help it.

There. That's my secret. Now about that chocolate you all promised...


CappyPrincess said...

OMG! I'm sooooooooooooooo happy for you!!!! I know it's just the beginning of this journey but I hope you enjoy every moment of it.

And I'm tickled that I just happened to hit refresh after checking in to find this post!! What luck.

Lots of love and prayers!

The Asbury Family said...

I've been reading your blog for a while, and *THIS* is exactly what I was wishing for you. It's weird how something amazing in a perfect stranger's life can make me so friggin' excited.

All of my positive thoughts will be headed your way into the foreseeable future. I'm so happy for you!

(actually, we're sort of connected because your friend trolt is my sister. :-))


Sherry said...

YAY YAY YAY! I'm soooooo incredibly happy for you and Sandy.

P.S. I'd send the Kisses now, but I'm afraid they'd be nothing more than a puddle of chocolate by the time they arrived. =-D

Lori said...

OMG! You have NO idea how freakin' thrilled I am for you! I wanna squeal like a schoolgirl!! HOORAY!

Scrappy_Lady said...


I'm so happy for you! Love those little ones all you want. Belly rubs from me to them.

RollerCoaster said...

HOLY CRAP! As I sit here in tears, I am so thrilled for you and Sandy! You are doubly (sp) blessed and Thomas is very much watching over you. Grow babies grow!

JPAKAJR said...

This this is just freaking FANTASTIC NEWS! Tears of joy.

I am just so happy for you!

Jennifer said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I couldn't be happier for you. Wishing you a VERY, VERY happy and healthy 9 months with those babes in your belly and a lifetime of happiness celebrating life with them.

Congrats again!!!

Erin said...


Unknown said...

OMG Kristin I am so happy for you. The people at work are wondering why I'm tearing up. I'm wishing you a happy uneventful 9 months. I can't wait to meet them.

Rosemarie said...


Kristin I'm so unbelievably happy for you. I can barely type, LOL. I have prayed for you and Sandy every day since Thomas passed. I even have my mom light candles for you at church. I knew this day would come. I knew you would have your baby. And now two! OMG! I feel like partying. I'm so happy for you. Have a wonderful pregnancy. I look forward to celebrating this journey with you.

OMG! Just had to add that one more time!

(((((HUGS))))) to you and Sandy!!

Lori (mediamom) said...

OMG, I'm crying right now. I am so happy for you and Sandy. I was hoping with every ounce of my being that this would be your secret. Grow babies grow!

Cheryl said...

OMG...Kristin I'm sitting here crying...I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!! I knew you would be blessed with another baby but never thought TWINS...This is SO amazing...God does work in mysterious ways....YAY YAY YAY

Kimberdoodle said...

I'm sitting here in tears. I'm so happy for you and Sandy. Wishing for a very uneventful twin pregnancy and birth! Grow babies! Happy and healthy 9 months and BEYOND!

Catherine said...

Holy...!!! You don't do things halfway do you?!?!


ARA said...

Somehow I knew July was going to be your month! Stick little beans, STICK!!! Remember your post about making it rain? :)

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!!! I'm so happy for you!!

I haven't been blog stalking for a while and just happened to check yours today. I'm so excited for you!!!

adrienne said...

u get the idea!
I am so happy for you and Sandy.
Come out of hiding and read all of your JAMM comments!!!!!
Your secret is out over there!!!

Sara said...

Oh I have tears running down my cheeks!! I'm so happy for you.

I know you're just starting out here but I'm so excited to keep you, your Beloved, and two beautiful new lives to think good thoughts for in the coming months!

Nichole said...

Oh Kristin!
I'm so so happy for you!!!
This is the best news ever. I'm so happy I popped in to read today!

BigP's Heather said...

Holy Cow!!! That is just the good kind of news I needed to hear today! I'm so happy for you guys.

wannabe mom said...

happy happy joy joy! glad to know that the garden isn't the only thing that's growing. :)))

Unknown said...

Yes yes yes! I am so happy for you!!!!

Jamie said...

Holy artichoke! I am soooooo very happy for you. What wonderful news.


niobe said...

Such wonderful news. I am so happy for you!

Rebecca said...

Oh, how wonderful!!! Double blessings!!! YAY!!!

sillyhummingbird said...

Hooray! Hooray! Jumping for joy for all of you!! Congratulations!

Roxanne said...

Oh YAY!!!!!!!!!!

I am thinking such good thoughts for you.

More YAY!!!!!!!!!!

Nica said...


from the bottom of my heart, congratulations.

If I had chocolate, I would give it to you...

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you that I'm crying! The fact that you're telling people this early on in the pregnancy makes my heart smile for you. It is a true miracle & it's because of people like you we can all hold on the idea that there might be a miracle in store for us too, one day. God bless you, your family, and your two beautiful babies. xoxoxo

Gusgirl said...

I have secretly checked your blog for a while now.

I am so excited for you and Sandy.
This is such wonderful news. All my prayers are with you for a safe and healthly pregnancy and two beautiful, healthy babies



Rian said...

That is wonderful news. I will pray that these babies are sticky.


Sami said...

OMG- this is well this is wonderful news. I am of course keeping my fingers crossed, sending up some prayers and hoping for the best for all of you. Wow... just wow!

DinosaurD said...

Kristin, I will even forgive the tease of the last post. This is fantastic news (and not what I would have guessed in something like a million years - twins!)
Of course you already love them - you're that kind of mom. I will be thinking of you all day long now.

Cheek said...

Oh, this is such wonderful news - of COURSE it should be celebrated! Sending all my positive energy your way!

Ann Howell said...

Well done, you! I had a feeling that's what your secret was about (well, not the twins part -- I'm not that clairvoyant!). I hope you have a whole lifetime to enjoy these two; they couldn't have found more deserving parents :) Congratulations!!!!

Nicole said...

I am soooo over the moon seeing this news. I hope this is a happy and wonderful journey for you and your little bundles. Yiiiippppppeeee!!!!!!

Woman who knits said...

YEAH!!!!!!!! I can't tell you in words how THRILLED I am for you guys!!

It couldn't happen to better folk!!! Lots of hugs and prayers for your two little munchkins!!

Now, what to knit . . . . .

Carla said...

Kristen!!! I am so excited for you! I've been praying for you for a long time now and amd am just so overjoyed at your blessings! Twins! I will KEEP praying for you and your babies and Sandy.

Lots of love from an old TTC board member!!


Abby said...

Still speechless and still sending double doses of H&S and prayers your way. And since we're being reckless, double doses of chocolate, too! :)

Margaret said...

Oh, CK!!! I'm so happy for you! I'm just in tears here. I'm sending tons of ****Sticky Baby Vibes**** and PPT that all goes smoothly for you.

This just made my entire YEAR! I'll be praying for you and your sweet babies.

And yes, I did have a big smile as I typed that - YOUR sweet babies

alanalouise said...

Kristin I am so happy for you. This is wonderful news. Enjoy every moment!

Tears of joy, truely...


Rocks In My Dryer said...

I am speechless and tearful and beyond excited for you! Couldn't happen to a better person. (And this may sound gushy coming from a complete stranger, but I've been hanging around "lurking" here for so long I feel like I know you.)

Sending you much love and many prayers--

Shinny said...

I am SOOOOO happy for you both!!! What a wonderful secret and I am so glad that you are sharing it with us. Wishing you all the luck I can send your way.

Angela said...



I'd pretty much figured your secret was that you were pregnant, but THIS! This is astronomically, monumentally one of the greatest things that's ever happened!!! And the fact that this happened on an unmedicated, "toss-out" cycle AFTER you got your "period" mind is boggled. Blown! I am Wow. SO happy for you. I'm a complete stranger but I am so happy for you. And your husband. And your BABIES, of course! Wow. How are you FEELING about this? Are you absolutely terrified? And ecstatic? You must be. Wow. Okay, I am completely rambling here. CONGRATULATIONS, and best wishes for a healthy, boring pregnancy. And babies, please, please stay. You already have some of the greatest parents in the world.

Stephanie said...

I am overflowing with happiness for you and Sandy!
This is the best news I've heard in a VERY long time!
I hope you guys enjoy every second of this beautiful adventure!

TWINS!!! :)

Laura said...


I was hoping, hoping that your secret was that you were pregnant. And twins!!! Oh my god, I am so completely and utterly over the moon for you!

Oh congratulations sweetie!!!! You and the BABIES (!) be in my thoughts constantly :)

missing_one said...

Holy Crap!
Here's to reckless love and optimism!!

L said...

Wow! This is such good news.
Eveyone else has said everything I wanted to say already. Right down to the "Holy Crap!" above me.

I am so happy for you.

Julia said...

That's what I was hoping it was. Well, not the twin thing, couldn't guess that, but the pregnant thing. On this very craptacular day for me, my mood is much improved as I am very, very, very happy for you! At least one of the cocktails I down tonight will be in your honor and stead. :) Stick, stick, stick!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!! Congrats! Awesome :-)

Mrs. Collins said...

Like everyone else, I was hoping that was the secret! Double congrats to you and the hubby on a "job well done".

Chrissy said...

You better start knitting another hoodie :) I am so very very happy and excited for you both. I am sending you a quadruple amount of sticky vibes.

Angel Mom said...

Oh my goodness! I have chill bumps! I've been following your blog for quite a while. This seems like the perfect post to comment for the first time. :-) A huge congratulations to you and Sandy!

Notes From The Couch said...

ur journey has paid off doubly..... You are my inspiration, you never gave up. I am ecstatic for you, Dh and Twins...:)

Jillian said...


Congratulations - I'm breaking out the chocolate extra early this morning to toast the beatiful new shape of your family!

Erin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Erin said...

Shoot!! I messed up my first post. Let's try again.

I am so happy for you!!!! That is great news!!! Prayers to you and your family!!

Unknown said...

OMG Kristin! This is amazing, I am so happy for you and Sandy. Many prayers being sent for a happy and healthy pregnancy.

Denise said...

I am so happy for you! Wishing you a happy pregnancy, labour and delivery...times two!

nault's nook said...

OMG I am so incredibly happy for you!!!! I have been praying for you and Sandy for quite a while. You deserve to happy about these little ones!! Huge congrats and best wishes!!!

lisa g said...

I was hoping so hard that this was the secret! But the TWINS part-Amazing! You and your husband deserve this so much.

Unmedicated-Unmonitored! What a true blessing.

Maybe you should work on a pink hoodie to go with the blue one?!
Can't wait to follow you through this beautiful journey.

RP said...

See, I KNEW you didn't have cancer, silly goose.

I am over the moon for all of you! I'm hoping and praying and crying and celebrating all at once. Wishing you a very happy and healthy pregnancy and beyond.

Love, love, love,

RP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kristen said...

OMG,I have tears rolling down my cheeks. I'm so unbelievably freaking happy for you! Praise the Lord, twins!!!

Rosepetal said...

Wow, 66 comments! I am late! Congratulations Kristin!

Bekki said...

YAY!!! I'M SOO HAPPY FOR YOU!! I've been lurking here for quite awhile, just waiting and praying for your miracle! And now you get two!! YAYYAYAYAYAY!! You've made my day!!

Kim said...

Congratulations!!! Oh my gosh, I go away for one night and come back to this - it's wonderful news! Enjoy every second, and love these babies as much as you want - they're yours! I am praying for a safe, healthy, happy pregnancy for you.

stephanie said...

Double happiness, old friend. You are going to rock at this!
Huge hugs to you and Sandy. The next Meet and Greek will need highchairs!

MB said...

Over the moon for you! Such wonderful news!

kate said...

OMG! I am so so so so happy for you!! Congratulations!!!

And now go rest!

Samantha said...

CONGRATS!!! So cool!

But, sorry, I have already inhaled all the chocolate within a 30 mile radius.

M said...

Holy crap!! I wasn't expecting that when I checked your blog today!

Congratulations & much love to you.... x

Aurelia said...

Holy Mackeral

I'm completely floored. This is AMAZING.

I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier to say it, but just know that tears of joy are running down my face and falling on my keyboard!

Now we have to get together, so I can help celebrate!!!!!!

Julie said...

OMG CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't be happier for you!!!!

Dr. Grumbles said...

Wow! Such amazing news!!!

Unknown said...

I am so happy.
I am so happy.
(Had to say it twice cuz it's twins!:) )

SWH said...

Very very exciting!!!!! I'm incredibly happy for you.

Lisa P. said...

Joining the parade of people saying congrats!! I am so happy for you!!

BasilBean said...

Wow! Where have I been? What amazingly wonderful news! I am so happy for you and so filled with joy! Wow! I really don't know what else to say. It is going to take a while before I can wipe this grin off of my face. Wow! Twins, at that! Great big (((((hugs))))) to you and Sandy!

JAmy said...

What wonderful news! I'm so excited for you! This wonderful news bring tears to my eyes! Congratulations Congratulations!

AJW5403 said...

A big congrats to you!! I wish you nothing but the best.