It was Weight Watchers weigh in day and I've lost another 1.6 pounds (taking my grand total to 4.5 pounds in four weeks). It's a drop in tub of lard really, but for me it's a big achievement because I've worked hard to do it. Really hard. That first week and a half I was so hungry I'd have happily eaten shoe leather and batteries if someone had handed them to me wrapped in lettuce.
But the hunger has subsided, and in its place I've found willpower I didn't realize I had.
I put on a shirt I haven't worn in a month and it felt a tiny bit looser than it did last time I had it on. The hungry torment of the last four weeks was all worth that moment of pure joy and pride this morning.
And speaking of pride, the Leafs finally won a game tonight. Halleluia!!
I'm not actually a huge hockey fan, but somehow I've been sucked into the excitement of the games. Maybe it's just because it's fun to spend those two hours watching TV with My Beloved (and asking him a million and one stupid questions like "what's icing" for the 900th time) or maybe it's a latent sports appreciation finally making its way to the surface of my all-girl exterior (much to my Father's glee). But whatever the case, I'm actually enjoying hockey.
Although admittedly I enjoy it much more when the Leafs win every now and then.
While watching the hockey game (and later, The Bachelor - yes, I admit it) I finished up a little crocheted hat. It was supposed to be a 3-month size but it didn't come out quite right. It's more like a toddler hat, really. I guess using the right size hook actually does matter. Who knew?
Anyway, even though it's not quite perfect and I improvised the design on the front, I'm happy with it. It feels good to create something - to have something to show for myself at the end of the day besides another pile of clean laundry and vacuumed carpets. Okay, vacuumed downstairs carpets.
But what I think made the day really good was reading all the comments from my pride and prayer post yesterday. Once again, I'm awed by the kindness of people (strangers, in some cases) and the capacity for goodness that exists in this sometimes sad and scary world.
I can feel your prayers today, and I want you to know that each and every one of you are in mine.
Yes. This was a good day indeed.
P.S. Here's the little hat I made. I shouldn't be as proud of it as I am because there are many, many imperfections in it, but nothing in life is perfect, right? And so why should a little hat be any different.